[teampractices] Old-ish but relevant blog post from Luis Villa on bug wrangling and backlogs
Max Binder
2016-08-12 17:00:56 UTC
Nemo_bis sent me the following and I thought it was an interesting thing to
share here.

Arthur Richards
2016-08-12 17:13:38 UTC
An old-ish-y but goody Max, thanks for sharing. I find the following
particularly insightful and relevant to what I see in Wikimedia's
Phabricator instance:

It is important to know that open bugs in a BTS *are not free*. Old bugs
impose a cost on developers, because when they are trying to search
relevant bugs, old bugs can make it harder to find the things they really
should be working on. In the best case, this slows them down; in the worst
case, it drives them to use other tools to track the work they want to do –
making the BTS next to useless. This violates rule #1 of a BTS: it *must* be
useful for developers, or else it all falls apart.
​(and thanks Luis :)​
Nemo_bis sent me the following and I thought it was an interesting thing
to share here.
teampractices mailing list
Arthur Richards
Sr. Agile Coach: Organizational Collaboration
Team Practices Group <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Team_Practices_Group>
IRC: awjr
+1-415-839-6885 x6687
Luis Villa
2016-08-12 19:26:23 UTC
I'm available to vent about bugtracking at any time, at no charge ;)

Post by Arthur Richards
An old-ish-y but goody Max, thanks for sharing. I find the following
particularly insightful and relevant to what I see in Wikimedia's
It is important to know that open bugs in a BTS *are not free*. Old bugs
impose a cost on developers, because when they are trying to search
relevant bugs, old bugs can make it harder to find the things they really
should be working on. In the best case, this slows them down; in the worst
case, it drives them to use other tools to track the work they want to do –
making the BTS next to useless. This violates rule #1 of a BTS: it *must* be
useful for developers, or else it all falls apart.
​(and thanks Luis :)​
Nemo_bis sent me the following and I thought it was an interesting thing
to share here.
teampractices mailing list
Arthur Richards
Sr. Agile Coach: Organizational Collaboration
Team Practices Group <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Team_Practices_Group>
IRC: awjr
+1-415-839-6885 x6687
teampractices mailing list